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The Breathe Accra Project, part of the Breathe Cities initiative, aims to provide open access to hyperlocal air quality data in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, and build capacity for monitoring and managing air quality and tracking air pollution-related diseases.

You can donate a sensor to monitor air quality in a school or community through our sensor donation programme

Empowering Everyone To Take Action

Individuals can stay informed about the air quality in their neighborhoods in real-time through the website.
Communities can use the website to monitor air quality and take action to reduce pollution in their area.
Corporate Organizations
Corporate Organizations
Organizations can fulfill their corporate social responsibility by procuring and donating sensors to community groups
Municipal Assemblies
Municipal Assemblies
Municipal Assemblies can use the website to monitor and manage air quality within their districts and take necessary action to curb the effects of air pollution in their municipality.
Health Authorities
Health Authorities
Municipal Health Authorities can mount surveillance for air pollution-related diseases in their district using neighborhood air quality data available on the website.
Education Authorities
Education Authorities
Municipal Education Authorities can use the air quality data from the sensors mounted in schools to take action on air pollution in schools and safeguard the health of students.

Our Partners

We understand the importance of collaboration in achieving our mission of promoting clean air for all. That's why we partner with organizations and individuals who share our vision and are committed to improving air quality in Accra. Click on their logo to learn more about their work and activities.
Clean Air Fund
Breathe Cities
University of Cape Coast
Ghana EPA
Accra Metropolitan Assembly
Blues Wireless
French Embassy, Ghana

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